Tsim Sha Tsui Central Cheung Chau Sai Kung Victoria Peak

Hong Kong Air Quality
2024-05-02 14:00

Central / Western457
Kwun Tong438
Tai Po460
Tung Chung453
Sha Tin446
Tseung Kwan O4*-
Tap Mun470
Yuen Long359
Tuen Mun375
Kwai Chung435
Sham Shui Po451
Tsuen Wan5*46
Causeway Bay482
Mong Kok469

Time Series for Δp

Current Weather in Hong Kong

Temperature | Humidity | Feel Like
Max Temp | Min Temp | 10-min Wind
10-min Gust | Rainfall | Pressure | Hourly Wind
Hourly Gust | Visibility
Air Temperature (C) at 14:20 on 02/05/2024
Chek Lap Kok26.1
Yuen Long Park26.1
Wong Chuk Hang25.7
Tai Lung25.6
Lau Fau Shan25.5
Shek Kong25.5
Sham Shui Po25.5
Tsing Yi25.5
Happy Valley25.4
Tuen Mun25.3
Kai Tak Runway Park25.2
Hong Kong Observatory25.1
Sheung Shui25.1
Peng Chau25.0
Tsuen Wan Shing Mun Valley24.9
Wong Tai Sin24.9
Cheung Chau24.7
Sha Tin24.7
Ta Kwu Ling24.7
Pak Tam Chung24.7
Kowloon City24.6
King's Park24.5
Hong Kong Park24.4
Sai Kung24.4
Tsuen Wan Ho Koon24.3
Tai Po24.3
Kau Sai Chau24.0
Tseung Kwan O23.9
Wetland Park23.8
Shau Kei Wan23.7
Clear Water Bay23.6
Kwun Tong23.6
Tai Mei Tuk23.4
The Peak21.9
Tate's Cairn20.3
Tai Mo Shan18.5
Weather Forecast for Hong Kong
Issued at 13:45 on 02/May/2024

Here is the latest weather bulletin issued by the Hong Kong Observatory.

A fresh and strong easterly airstream is affecting the coast of Guangdong. Besides, a trough of low pressure is bringing showers to western Guangdong and the northern part of the South China Sea.

Weather forecast for this afternoon and tonight

Mainly cloudy with a few showers. Moderate to fresh easterly winds, occasionally strong offshore.

Outlook : A few showers in the next couple of days. Hot during the day with sunny periods early next week.

9-Day Weather Forecast for Hong Kong
Issued at 11:30 on 02/May/2024

9-Day Weather Forecast

A fresh to strong easterly airstream will affect the coast of Guangdong tomorrow. There will be a few showers over the region. Upper-air disturbances will bring showers and thunderstorms to southern China over the weekend. Under the influence of a southerly airstream, the weather will be hot during the day and brighter over Guangdong early next week. Another surge of the easterly airstream is expected to affect the coast of southern China in the middle and latter parts of next week. There will be one or two showers over the region.

3/5 (Friday)
East force 4 to 5, occasionally force 6 offshore at first. Weather: Mainly cloudy with a few showers.
Temperature: 24-27C Relative Humidity: 75-95%

Southeast force 4. Weather: Mainly cloudy with a few showers. Isolated thunderstorms later.
Temperature: 25-29C Relative Humidity: 70-95%

South to southeast force 3. Weather: Mainly cloudy with occasional showers. Isolated thunderstorms at first.
Temperature: 25-28C Relative Humidity: 75-95%

South force 2 to 3. Weather: Mainly cloudy. One or two showers at first. Hot with sunny periods during the day.
Temperature: 25-31C Relative Humidity: 65-95%

Light winds force 2. Weather: Sunny periods. Hot during the day.
Temperature: 26-31C Relative Humidity: 65-90%

East to southeast force 2 to 3. Weather: Sunny periods and one or two showers. Hot during the day.
Temperature: 26-31C Relative Humidity: 75-95%

East force 3 to 4, force 5 later. Weather: Mainly cloudy with one or two showers.
Temperature: 25-29C Relative Humidity: 75-95%

East to southeast force 4 to 5. Weather: Mainly cloudy with one or two showers.
Temperature: 25-29C Relative Humidity: 75-95%

South force 3. Weather: Sunny intervals.
Temperature: 26-30C Relative Humidity: 70-90%

METAR/TAF for Major Airports
VHHH 020630Z 11011KT 9999 FEW012 SCT020 26/22 Q1011 NOSIG
TAF VHHH 020500Z 0206/0312 09010KT 9999 FEW010 SCT020 TX26/0206Z TX27/0306Z TN24/0222Z
TEMPO 0206/0209 02010KT
TEMPO 0303/0309 4000 SHRA FEW010CB SCT015

Astronomical and Tidal Information
Tides at Quarry Bay15:25 2.0m
23:24 0.6m
07:20 1.6m
10:25 1.4m
16:52 2.0m

Weather Extremes for May 02
Min Temp(C)16.4-27.8(22.6)
Max Temp(C)21.3-31.9(27.3)
Mean RH(%)63-96(83)
Mean Cloud
Mean Wind
*1884-2022 (shorter for some), median in brackets
Climatological Probabilities for May 02
Very Cold0.0%
Very Hot0.0%
Rain Prob43.9%
10-25mm Rain7.6%
25-50mm Rain6.1%
50+mm Rain4.5%
Sunshine Prob88.7%
4-8hr Sunshine21.0%
8+hr Sunshine27.4%
Fresh Winds10.6%
Strong Winds4.3%
Gale+ Winds2.1%