Air Quality in Hong Kong

Since the Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) issued by Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department is not comparable to other regions in the world, Weather Underground of Hong Kong refers to the Air Quality Index (AQI) issued by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and calculates the Air Quality Index based on air pollutant concentration data issued by Hong Kong Environmenal Protection Department.

Reference Links:

* Missing PM2.5 data from Environmental Protection Department

Air Quality Index (AQI)CategoryMeaning
0-50GoodAir pollution risk is low.
51-100ModerateAir quality is acceptable.
101-150Unhealthy for high-risk groupHigh-risk group may have health effects. General public is not affected.
151-200UnhealthyHigh-risk group may have more serious health effects. Some of the general public may have health effects.
201-300Very UnhealthyGeneral public have health effects.
301-500HazardousSome of the general public may have more serious health effects.

Air Quality Health Index (AQHI)Health Risk
8-10Very high